Friday, October 9, 2009

Scene 4

A library. Books are stacked in shelves that reach to the ceiling. Damp, dusty air. The only light coming in is from a window, and its bright outside. There is a desk on the right side of the stage, where a librarian sits. She's dressed in full black and has glasses with chains hanging from the sides and is writing a paper. Alvin and Diana enter from the left side and immediately start searching, running their fingers along spines and picking out random books to look at their covers.

Diana: It has to be here… slowly Ancient Magic..Ancient Magic… It’s not here.

Alvin: Maybe they don’t have it…

Diana: It’s worth asking. Walks towards librarian Do you have any books about ancient Egyptian Rituals and Magic?

Librarian: Puts down pen and adjusts her glasses to look at them And why would you two kids need something like that. Not dabbling in witchcraft are we?

Diana: No, never! Just, general knowledge.

Librarian: Well. I don’t keep books like that out in the open. Opens a case on her desk and takes out a key, which she uses to unlock a drawer. Searches in the drawer for a while and takes out a red leather bound book down from a shelf, which she gives to Alvin.

Alvin: Thank you. Ma’am.

Alvin walks to the centre o the stage and starts flipping the pages a few at a time. Diana comes forward to look at it. Alvin flips the pages until they come to somewhere in the middle of the book. Diana reads aloud.

Diana: Several blessed items according to this historical text include the blanket from King Ramses’ tomb, the torch from Nefertiti's and the glove from Tutankhamen! Loudly That's the glove!

Librarian: Shhhhh!

Diana: Sorry. Softly This here says the glove is blessed, so maybe what the old lady said was true. Maybe it till give us one wish.

Alvin: It seems a little...

They both keep quiet for a while. Diana flips the pages of the book slowly.

Diana: Not everything blessed is good

Alvin: But it’s worth a try...

Diana: It says here, about the glove, that it will give one wish to whoever asks it. Only thing is, it must be done during an eclipse.

As she speaks the scene outside the window dims slowly until it becomes completely black. Alvin grabs her hand and they both turn to look at the window.

Librarian: Goodness.... Adjusts glasses

Alvin: An Eclipse...

Both children run out of the scene carrying the book. The librarian shouts after them.

Librarian: You kids! You'll have to pay for that if you're going to take it out of my library!

The raises her fist at them but they're already gone. She makes an angry noise and returns to her desk. The scene ends.

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